In Santiago you can do many things, for example I go to the cine with my friend and I walk through the city, but also I go to my favorite place in Santiago, this place is Cerro San Cristobal, this place have nature, tranquility and you can see all the city. In the Cerro San Cristobal in the night you can see the city with its lights and is amazing.
This is a photo of this place.

You can also walk for the Park Forestall and see this nature, environment and enjoy with you family of the weekend. This park has many museums.

Other place is Fantasilandia, you can shout, relax and enjoy. This is a place for children and adult.

In Santiago you can go to the restaurant for eat of all, this places is La Picola Italia en the center and also to eat pizza in the Telepizza and fast food in all places of center.
Plaza Italia have many nightlife as pubs, discotheque, restaurants and theaters and in Manuel Montt is my favorites places for enjoy as the “Bodeguero” for example.
You can go to zoo as Buinzoo and Metropolitano, This place like to children.

Excellent post Maria Jose. I really like the selection of photos too.